Wednesday, November 26, 2008

don't take this wrong but...

Don't you just LOVE when someone starts with that phrase...

most of you know by now that poor sweet little Zinger is no longer a part of the cassabaum kennel, bunny warren, moving and storage and doggie day care and boarding.

i miss him gobs. he got out. o'reilly caught him. didn't look hurt but died overnight. nuff said...

can't have bunnehs, cute fluffeh bunnehs with adorabuhl little back feets no more. it's been a bummer. someday... but not now.

with that said, don't take this wrong but there is a really cool card game that any of you with really twisted goofy odd senses of humor would enjoy

Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot

the basic game is to collect bunnehs and carrots and at the end be the lucky one with magic carrot, all the while dodging the other players' attempts to rid you of your bunnehs with weapons cards or the bad draw of a terrible misfortune card.

i think because i miss my bunnehs i've gotten even more addicted to this game of late. i bought it years ago to play with my best friend's son, thinking it would be a kick to play with a pre-teen boy. the pre-teen boy whose bunny i was in charge of for some time in fact.

and we did have a blast with it. ...
(t-shirt design available at Off World Designs)

but it is odd and if you're not into the twisted humor they also have
Kinder Bunnies

Friday, November 14, 2008

rescue is the greatest!!!

I'm pleased to announce Buddy has a new family. He hasn't moved yet but got to meet them today.

Meet Kuma and Dee. They are German Shepherd and Queensland mixes. Kuma has the brown on his legs and Dee has more white on her face.

It was kind of neat Buddy and Kuma were side by side walking thru the different areas of the yard, like Kuma was showing him around!

And even stopped to wash Buddy's face.

It's a wonderful couple who have 2 adult children and a grandchild. They are very active! They also don't kennel their dogs but take them on vacations. They camp, go to the beaches, take trips and just love their dogs. Kuma is young and needs a higher energy playmate. He plays well with Dee but she's older and gets a little annoyed sometimes. So Buddy will be a perfect brother for Kuma and Dee will probably enjoy the break!

He will have, as you can see, a LOVELY yard and home and it's a great neighborhood, nice and quiet! But the family is the real selling point for me!

However the neatest part is he won't even know he's adopted since they look so much alike!

I love rescue!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Boomer's story

For those who don't know who Boomer is or how special he is here are a couple posts about him to bring you up to speed!

Bringing Boomer Home

Boomer's New Family

boom.... boOM... BOOMER is here!!!

He's visiting this week while his family goes on vacation!!!

Doesn't he look FANTASTIC?!!!

We are so happy to have him here for the week.
I'm loving this whole doggie day care and boarding thing i've got going!!!

He is very happy in his new family and doing quite well.
He also remembered me and all this was very familiar to him which is good.

It's gonna be a fun week!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


it's happening...

in the meantime, happy nosevember, a flashback to Oliver, my good boy!

stay tuned...

something not at all wicked this way comes on sunday afternoon...