Friday, January 25, 2008

Invitation to Blog...

Well, quite some time ago I was invited by my friend Pet (whom I have actually met over the phone and enjoy very much!) to be a part of 100 Bloggers.

I toiled over my post and have finally hit the submit button and want to share it with you all.

So hop over to 100bloggers and let me know what you think! It's titled Reflecting on Reflecting

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Christmas from Sam!!!

O'Reilly's Brother Sam and Family sent along a Christmas package for O'Reilly, Lakota, Betsy and me too!

The stuffed toys squeak but also make a silly noise and it was quite perplexing to the dogs!

Here's O'Reilly playing keep away with his retriever roll. He's such a happy doggie!

When Betsy is a little more settled with her forever Mom and forever home I will deliver the toy and roll that is for her!

Thank you to Gino, Rei, Gabi and Sam!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Cactus? What's Cactus?

(Click pics for larger views - some of em, like this one, are worth it! he's a cutie in this one!)

This is my favorite picture - Taken on New Years Day. He was super playful that morning on our walk.

O'Reilly had a blast! New smells, new environment... cactus... in his butt, in his legs, everywhere!

Actually he did really well - I expected to be picking big chunks of teddy bear cactus off him but he just got some stickers here and there.

It was great to be home and see all my family. I was really proud of O'Reilly. He had to hang outside during the day and sleep in my room in the crate at night. He went 4 days without other doggies to play with. But I think he had a great time. It was also good bonding time for us. It was good for him to be in an odd place and trusting that if I left I would come back for him...

Though you'd think he was in prison from this picture of him watching me load the car...

Here he is working on a big beef bone I gave him. I was so proud of him I went to walgreens and got him this bone for $3. He worked on it for a bit... then he buried it in the yard somewhere!!!

I never found it! Silly Puppy!

Dad, Mom and I took a nice long walk with him to wear him out before my brother, sis in law and their 3 foster kids came over for the day. Wanted OR nice and worn out! This is the home stretch of the walk, on a trail overlooking my parents' house.

Don't let the desert landscape fool you... my parents neighborhood has marvelous views and beautiful scenery!

Time to head home... I set him up joining the front and back seat of my car and laying out blankets and pillows for him. He did so well on the drive. A real road warrior!

going home...

She's got a great new Momma and is really happy.
Betsy likes her a lot.

We will miss her, but we won't miss her much...

Because she lives 2 streets away!!! Yippee

and COMING SOON to a blog near you...

O'Reilly's trip to Tucson - cactus and all!!!