Monday, October 22, 2007

Don't Look

So I gave O'Reilly his other toy from his Aunt Debbie last Friday morning when I was doing my morning devotions. I was sitting in bed writing and had him next to me. It's a ball that you stuff a treat in and then they have to work to get it out.

I kind of wanted to supervise to make sure he wouldn't rip the toy to shreds (it's made so dogs shouldn't be able to but he's very determined). So at first I made him stay on the bed with it.

He found this rather confining and finally left for outside. He really didn't like me watching him while he was working on it. It was rather funny the way he would look up at me as if to say, "What? Leave me alone, it's mine and you can't have it so quit watching!" So I took pictures with just the camera sticking out the front door.

My silly puppy. He loves his toy.


lgf said...

I'm beginning to think O'Reilly needs to start his own post. Then you'd have to let Lakota do one. Then's just getting out of control. Before you know it, you'd be unable to get any work done 'cause the animals will have taken over the office!

Anonymous said...

guess i'll have to go diamond so i don't "have" to get any work done :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha, he probably feels sheepish that it takes him a while to figure it out, so he doesn't want you watching. :P

Anonymous said...

yeah right, he's self conscious - oh i doubt it - silly guy, i think he just doesn't wanna share!

Black Cat said...

Katie's said what I was thinking but you're probably right, he was afraid you'd want to play with it too:)

Anonymous said...

yeah he's not big on sharing ... likes to play keep away

lgf said...

dogs are like that...Scully hates sharing things.